Bullshit Detector
You have one...
but are you using it?
What makes you turn your Bullshit Detector off?
How can you improve your B.S. Detector's effectiveness?Sword out!
Centered! Grounded! Bubbled!
Now you head over the edge into new territory, empowered like never before!What Is Bullshit?
Imagine trying to negotiate intimacy, live in community, create a gameworld, or participate in governing your circle without a honed Bullshit Detector turned on and actively applied during every interaction.
Keeping your Bullshit Detector off, not using its results, carries an ulterior and probably hidden purpose: creating the betrayal, victim stories, broken heartedness, deception, foolhardiness, and gullibility that serves as a basis for a Gremlin Feeding Frenzy.
"Far and away, the greatest source of Bullshit
with which we must contend, is ourselves."
- Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner in Teaching As A Subversive Activity
What Can You Do About It?
How to use your Teams as a Torus Technology Bullshit Detector?
How to use your Teams as a Torus Technology Bullshit Detector?
How to use your Teams as a Torus Technology Bullshit Detector?
How to use your Teams as a Torus Technology Bullshit Detector?
The Scientific Bullshit Detector
One aspect of a functional Bullshit Detector uses methods of Scientific Experimentation to test theories.
Your Bullshit Detector works in 3 simple steps:
Skip the self-doubt, and trust your gut.
Immediately and without hesitation
3Relax and have fun.
Turn it on!
Turn it up!
No one can do this for you.
No one can stop you from doing it.
You can Radically Rely on your Bullshit Detector.
Become Unhookable First
When a person is hooked, they cannot access their bullshit detector.
This experiment is about finding ways to keep unhooking yourself from the bullshit stories that you tell yourself and that others say.
In your BEEP! Book, on a fresh page, write the heading, Hooks and Bullshit.
For the next week, or until you write down 15 entries under this title, whenever you get hooked, write it down.
Notice and write also about how being hooked related to bullshit, and to how your Bullshit detector works or doesn't work.
Refer to the Become Unhookable website for hints.
Please enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Generate Bullshit With a Friend
This is an experiment for developing your Bullshit Detector. Do it with a friend.
For fifteen minutes a day, three times a week, generate bullshit that is irrelevant and useless with a friend.
Evaluate each other's bullshit according to how irrelevant and useless it is.
Use a scale from 1 (a little bit irrelevant and useless) -10 (VERY irrelevant and useless)
When the week is up, each of you can enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.02 in your free accounts at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Voicing Bullshit
This experiment is to attach your voice to your Bullshit Detector.
Up to five times a day ( no more), for one week, the moment there is bullshit in a space, say out loud, with a scientific neutrality, this is Bullshit.
Even if you are alone in a room or a car and a radio voice is saying bullshit, say it. Out loud.
If you have trouble using your voice in this way, please visit the Conscious Anger website, and you can also join a Rage Club.
At the end of the week, enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Be a Problem
There is a close correlation between bullshit and being a problem.
There are useful problems and crap problems.
There is useful bullshit and crap bullshit.
Useful problems can be used to create possibility.
To develop the distinction between useful and un-useful bullshit and problems, do this experiment once a day for five days:
Give bullshit until someone says, Cut the bullshit.
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Bull Shit and Cow Shit
There is a difference between Bull Shit and Cow Shit.
Bull Shit is what men do, saying something that is relevant but not true.
Cow Shit is what women do say things that are very true but completely irrelevant.
Read more on the Women and Men website.
This experiment is about detecting both kinds of shit.
For one week, notice when others are saying each.
Say, "I am doing research about the difference between Bull Shit and Cow Shit, and I think you are doing one now, please verify."
Every day during this week, write for at least 20 minutes in your BEEP! Book about how this goes.
When the week is over, enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Notice Your 5 Bodies When Bullshit is Happening
For one week, everywhere you go, notice what happens in your Five Bodies when Bullshit is being put in the space.
What happens in your Physical Body ?
What feelings and/or emotions happen in your Emotional Body?
What thoughts happen in your Intellectual Body?
What happens in your Energetic Body?
What happens in your Archetypal Body?
At least once a day for the week, write in your BEEP! Book about this.
After a week, enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Hire Your Gremlin to Detect Bullshit
Your Gremlin is a magnificent source of bullshit, and therefore has a sensitivity to detect Bullshit.
Hire your Gremlin to be on your Bullshit Detection Team.
First you will need to Initiate your Gremlin at an Expand the Box Training, and do some training work with your Gremlin, such as a Gremlin diet.
Then you will be ready to do this experiment.
For one week, give him or her the job of noticing when you or anyone else is saying bullshit.
Notice what happens in your Gremlin when bullshit happens. Keep him or her on a leash. Do not go into Low Drama and destroy the space.
Also give him or her the job of reminding you to write about this at lest four times during the week in your BEEP! Book.
Then enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Turn Useless Bullshit into Useful Bullshit
Bullshit that is less useful can become more useful.
This is an experiment to help with that.
Three times a day for a week, your job is to put the useless bullshit on the table in such a way that it turns into useful bullshit.
This is one way of using Conscious Asshole to wake people up, using your Bullshit Detector t create a fruitful transformational conversation.
HINT: This will happen through questions, rather than statements. For example, if somebody says, "This person doesn't like me." You might say, "How am I supposed to know this is not a bullshit story?" or "How are you thinking that they should treat you as evidence of love?" or "What kind of world are you living in where this story is useful?"
This is not about judging, numbing, being superior or going into Low Drama. Stay connected with the other person when you do this.
During the week, write at least 3-5 times in your BEEP! Book about how this is going.
At the end of the week, enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Notice That Every Story is Bullshit
Your Gremlin can move your Point of Origin where every story, even your own, is bullshit.
Come from this place for a year and collect your matrix points.
This is NOT a numbing or separation mechanism, do this while staying in connection.
Live from this Point of Origin for 15 years, then enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Don't stop living from this Point of Origin. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Selling Bullshit
Your Bullshit Detector will be very useful for helping you and your clients identify, avoid and shift out of Low Drama.
This experiment will help you build Matrix about Low Drama and Bullshit.
For a week, no more than 2 times a day consciously make up a huge useless bullshit low drama story, and do what ever it takes to have someone buy it, believe it.
This is not a lie, like I have won the lottery, I am going to sail to Bermuda, do you want to rent my apartment.
Rather it is something from your world. Take a real fact and make up a bullshit story about it on purpose, in a way that makes someone believe it.
I get headaches and I probably inherited it through my mother, she go them too, and we never know if it is because of drinking coffee or NOT drinking coffee, or because the weather will change, or just from how we have long necks, and we think a curse was put on our family maybe by this old man who thought....
When you have made up 7-14 bullshit victim stories, and sold them to someone, write about how it went in your BEEP! Book, and enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Pirate Bullshit Cleaning Party
First of all, memorize the sentence: HarbigaRRRR, this is bullshit! to use as an entry way to a Pirate Space.
Do this experiment in your Possibility Team, or any team.
Have a Pirate Party to clean up bullshit in a space.
It can also happen as an emergent space, without planning.
When you notice bullshit happening, use the sentence you memorized. Speak to the people in the space and call the Pirate in each person in the space forward to face into the bullshit that is in the space.
Take turns using the sentence
Clean up the bullshit. Stay connected.
When the bullshit is cleaned up, each person can enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.11 in their free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Name The Saboteur
Guard your extraordinary spaces from purveyors of bullshit. Use your bullshit detector to identify when anyone uses bullshit to destroy extraordinary space.
There can be a moment of extraordinary space and someone says, "I want to do logistics," and you can say, "That is a use of bullshit to destroy extraordinary space. Go back to zero, go to jail, do not collect 200 pesos."
In your BEEP! Book, on a fresh page, write the heading, Using My Bullshit Detector to Guard Extraordinary Space.
Each time you use your bullshit detector, Gremlin and/or Pirate to guard extraordinary space from a saboteur or purveyor of bullshit, record it on this page.
When you have 7 stories written down, use them to write an article with a similar title, publish it on Medium, and enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Bullshit or Nothing
For this experiment, have a meeting with your Possibility Team, or another Team of people who have shifted their identity to Experimenters, where the purpose is to navigate through stepping stones of bullshit to Nothingness.
See if you can spend 33 minutes in Nothingness.
Two days later, write a blog post called 33 Minutes in Nothingness, and tell people what happened for you, that you could have 33 minutes in nothingness and survive, and what you got out of it.
Then, enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Useful Bullshit Creation
This experiment is about bullshit that could be useful.
For seven days, in one conversation each day, reframe a conversation you are having with someone, using useful bullshit. For example, you can call out something you appreciate in the person, something new that is happening in the conversation, using the powers of bullshit creation.
Do this in a way that Possibility, Connection, Love or other Bright Principles happen in the space.
Take notes from each conversation in your BEEP! Book, and at the end of the seven days, write for at least 10 more minutes about what happened.
Then enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Detect Authoritarian Bullshit
Detect the bullshit from authorities.
Your job is to visit three different kinds of institutions that have authority in modern culture: a city hall, a consulate, a school board office, a bank, a lottery sales window and write down the useless bullshit the people working in these spaces really think is real.
Ask them if you can interview them for research you are doing, not taking names, not taking pictures about what the purpose is for what is happening here.
It is not about revealing their bullshit to them, it is about building your sensitivity to the authoritarian modern culture bullshit we have been desensitized to.
After visiting three different kinds of institutions, write an article about Authoritarian Bullshit.
Please enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Learn and Share the Art of Bullshit
For this experiment, find and interview four different marketeers.
Tell them you are developing a workshop about how to be a bullshit artist and you need their expertise. Use your Bullshit Detector to notice the usefulness of what they are telling you.
Make the workshop. Give the workshop.
Then please enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Notice MLM Bullshit With Your Team
In your Possibility Team find and read the marketing material (website, videos, catalogue write ups) of a MultiLevel Marketing Company and notice the bullshit. Notice how, for people who buy into MLM's, there is a point where people snap into the bullshit. Talk about this.
Then, in pairs, have one person role play that they are part of the MLM company, and trying to sell it to the other person while the other person tries to unhook and snap them out of the MLM bullshit.
Then each member of the team can enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Reduce The Bullshit
In your Possibility Team, as stagework, have two or three people tell a story that is full of bullshit for 10-15 minutes.
Then stop, and shift.
Have the conversation again without bullshit.
During both conversations, people in the audience are using their Bullshit detectors, saying Beep! In the first conversation, saying you could increase the bullshit by....
And in the second conversation, you could reduce the bullshit even more by....
Repeat the stagework until each person has had a turn being part of a conversation.
Then everyone can enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.18 in their free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Is PM a Purveyor of Bullshit?
Bring the article from Micheal Cann "Is Possibility Management a Cult?" to your Possibility Team, or another Team, and read it out loud.
Discuss it, and try to find the holes in it. Bring up the conversation, is Possibility Management a purveyor of Bullshit?
Then each person on the team can enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.19 in their free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Detect Your Box's Bullshit Patterns
You can use your Box as a tool for bullshit detecting, and to notice your Box's bullshit patterns.
In this experiment, three times a day for a week, have a reminder, such as an alarm going off, to remind you right now, to notice what kind of bullshit am I creating in my head, or in a conversation.
Admit it out loud.
Say, for example, I was just creating bullshit and it was this:...
Keep track of what happens in your BEEP! Book.
At the end of the week, go over what you wrote down, and detect the patterns of bullshit of your Box.
Then enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.20 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Shoveling Shit With Your Mother
Go visit your mom or call her up. Tell her I want to talk to you about my bullshit.
If she is not okay with you using the word bullshit, ask her to pick another word, like falderal, baloney, rigamarole, crap, balderdash, poop, or malarky.
Say, Mom I just need to tell you some things about me. And tell her about times you lied or cheated or stole. I want to tell you that this was actually was going on.
Make a giant mountain of bullshit on the table and clear it all up with your Mother.
If she wants to tell you anything, go ahead but don't let you or your mom sweep it away.
Afterward, ask her, which of these did you know already?
Don't be surprised if she knows.
Then please enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.21 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Put The Poop On The Table With Your Team
With your Team, also, you can do processes that put your Poop on the Table.
For this experiment, in pairs, use the Recover Intimacy Process to authentically tell to each other the stories about the times when things happened, and you made assumptions, had expectations, and let things slide.
When each of you have done this with 3 others on the Team, you can all enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.22 in your free accounts at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Fertilize A Skit With Bullshit
Go to the Barber, or to a bar or salon, and while the guy or lady is giving you a haircut or making drinks, they are going to talk about stuff.
Use your Bullshit Detector to classify the quality, the pure stinkingness of their bullshit, like you are a connoisseur.
After, write things down, in categories of high, medium and low quality bullshit....3, 2, 1.
Then, use the high quality bullshit as lines to make a skit.
Perform your skit in a Passion Show (where you need not be talented, only passionate) or record it as a video, or perform it at a Trainer Path Gathering.
Then please all enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.23 in your free accounts at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Listen For Bullshit Blockers
In your Possibility Team or another Team, for this experiment, people get up and speak with the intention of saying utter stinking bullshit for 5 minutes.
The listeners notice and listen for the 3, 2, 1 categories of bullshit stinkingness.
This will reveal what is blocking their bullshit from coming out, and their inability to identify bullshit from advertising, from their friends, parents, society.
After the 5 minutes, the listeners ask questions about the blocks they noticed, like Why didn't you use any swear words? Why didn't you talk about poor people or privileged people? Fat people or vegans? Women, black people?
Send them out with three Emotional Healing Processes to access more bullshit. Create Freedom Of Bullshit (FOB)!
When the Team gathering is over, each person can enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.24 in their free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Create Extraordinary Bullshit
For this experiment, also in a Team, each person, for 5 minutes, create and perform useful, extraordinary bullshit.
Again the listeners listen, this time for 3, 2, 1 quality of usefulness, and share after the blocks noticed.
They might say, why didn't you speak to the Bright Principles, you didn't paint a Doorway, what about your Gremlin?
When this Team gathering is over, each person can enter Matrix Code BULLSHIT.25 in their free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code BULLSHIT.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!